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IDEALworks GmbH Logo
IDEALworks GmbH Internship Sales & Marketing
Veröffentlicht am 28.06.2024 Praktikum
What you’re keen to do
  • You maintain customer relationships and are co-responsible for the acquisition of new customers by supporting the marketing and sales team in their sales activities.
  • You will assist in the planning and execution of sales and marketing campaigns as well as the creation of marketing and sales strategies.
  • You will conduct market analyses and competitive intelligence and create sales support documents for our customers and international markets.
  • We offer you the opportunity to be in direct contact with our customers and partners and to actively participate in the planning and implementation of various events.
What we’re looking for
  • You are currently completing your studies in engineering, business administration, marketing, graphic or media design.
  • You have a quick grasp, act in a customer-oriented manner and have an empathetic demeanor.
  • You like to drive topics forward independently through your high self-motivation and are an absolute team player.
  • You are a strong communicator and have a very good command of written and spoken German and English.
  • You have a basic understanding of CRM systems and are proficient in MS Office (Excel, PowerPoint).
  • You would like to contribute your expertise in the context of an internship of at least 4 months with us and become the new team player of idealworks.
Hi there, happy to meet you!
  • Mentorship from colleagues in the Operations team
  • The chance to bring your passion to an international work environment within a young, growing company. 
  • The opportunity to be part of an experienced, open team that values mutual trust. 
  • A startup atmosphere with flat hierarchies and diverse, impactful responsibilities. 
  • Flexible working hours
  • Exciting corporate benefits. 
  • Excellent transportation links and numerous catering options located near our office at the OEZ.
About us

As a forward-thinking deep tech company, idealworks has been enabling the future of logistics and industrial automation since November 2020. Its flexible, scalable robotics ecosystem, featuring the intelligent automation platform AnyFleet for seamless mobile robot integration, the CE-certified autonomous mobile robot (AMR) iw.hub, and the advanced robotics operating system iw.os, is reshaping intralogistics processes for companies globally. Emerging from its roots as a BMW Group spinoff, idealworks is committed to driving efficiency and operational optimization in a rapidly evolving automation landscape.


IDEALworks GmbH, Munich


Wie komme ich schnell voran im Bereich Marketing?

Kaum eine Branche ist so am Puls der Zeit wie die Marketingbranche – und kein erfolgreiches Unternehmen kommt heutzutage ohne eine wirksame Marketingstrategie aus. Im Praktikum lernst du, wie Erfolgskonzepte entwickelt werden, wie man Zielgruppen versteht und wie man eine Kommunikationsstrategie gezielt darauf ausrichtet. Dafür ist ein Studium in BWL, den Kommunikationswissenschaften, Sprachwissenschaften, der Medieninformatik oder einem ähnlichen Studiengang perfekt.

Außerdem brauchst du analytisches und wirtschaftliches Geschick, Einfühlungsvermögen und Kommunikationsstärke, Kreativität, Flexibilität und Trendbewusstsein sowie ein Gefühl für Sprache und Visualisierung. Dann kommst du schnell voran.

Was lernt man bei einem Praktikum im Bereich Marketing?

  • Zielgruppenanalyse sowie die Entwicklung von Konzepten und Strategien
  • Suchmaschinenoptimierung, Anzeigenmarketing und Content Marketing
  • Projektmanagement
  • Employer Branding Maßnahmen
  • Erstellen von Werbemitteln

Wie gut werden Praktika im Bereich Marketing bezahlt?

Spanne Gehalt
von 450 €
Ø 692 €
bis 935 €


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