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Sungrow - EMEA Logo
Sungrow - EMEA Marketing Intern - Munich (Germany)
Veröffentlicht am 28.06.2024 Praktikum
Your mission
  • Create marketing content for online and offline channels
  • Social networks - constantly improve our brand awareness through posting on social networks with a key focus on Linkedin
  • Manage and update our German webpage regularly with new content, new Media, SEO
  • Events and conventions – initiate, plan and execute events (also on-site in the DACH region) to promote Sungrow products together with our distributors
  • Support with translations and creation of Power Point presentations for promotional purposes
  • Offer logistical Support with the ordering and sending out merchandise.
Your profile
  • Excellent skills in German (mother-tongue level) and English. Ideally also French.
  • Student, enrolled in a Bachelor or Master in Marketing / Communications or similar in the DACH region.
  • Strong communication skills to drive projects forward and complete them within a scheduled period.
  • Digital pioneer - digital marketing is no rocket science for you.
  • Quick learner with desire to increase knowledge in the cleantech industry.
  • Creative and passionate person with upbeat spirit and “Yes, we can” mentality
  • Attention to details. You’re able to dive into the details and connect them through to the big picture.
Why us?

Clean and accessible energy is the key to a sustainable future on our planet!

We are market leaders in the solar energy space with the strongest PV-inverter R&D team and we are the largest inverter manufacturer. If you decide to join our team, you will benefit from the following:

  • Opportunities for career advancement as we are growing very fast in the EMEA region
  • Bonus payment on a fixed schedule every year based on performance
  • A multinational team with a diverse and inclusive mindset
  • Travel within Europe for training sessions or to attend renewable energy events
  • Opportunity to visit our R&D facilities in China

Commitment to diversity and inclusion at Sungrow

Our job descriptions were written with inclusivity in mind by using the following criteria:
1) We use a Gender Decoder tool to avoid gendered language.
2) We avoid superfluous requirements by separating essential needs from nice to haves.
3) We do not discriminate based on gender, age, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or disability.
4) We do not use stock imagery in our career page, all photos and videos represent our internal culture.About usWe are a green tech company with young creative minds.
We are fighting every day to make our mission happen – Clean Power for All!

With ~400GW of clean power presently installed worldwide, we are on the road to success!

Welcome at Sungrow

Founded in 1997 by University Professor Cao Renxian, Sungrow is a leader in the research and development of solar inverters with the largest dedicated R&D team in the industry and a broad product portfolio offering PV inverter solutions and energy storage systems for utility-scale, commercial & industrial, and residential applications, as well as internationally recognized floating PV plant solutions, NEV driving solutions, EV charging solutions and renewable hydrogen production systems.

Want to know more? Check out what working with us is like!

Sungrow - EMEA, Munich


Wie komme ich schnell voran im Bereich Marketing?

Kaum eine Branche ist so am Puls der Zeit wie die Marketingbranche – und kein erfolgreiches Unternehmen kommt heutzutage ohne eine wirksame Marketingstrategie aus. Im Praktikum lernst du, wie Erfolgskonzepte entwickelt werden, wie man Zielgruppen versteht und wie man eine Kommunikationsstrategie gezielt darauf ausrichtet. Dafür ist ein Studium in BWL, den Kommunikationswissenschaften, Sprachwissenschaften, der Medieninformatik oder einem ähnlichen Studiengang perfekt.

Außerdem brauchst du analytisches und wirtschaftliches Geschick, Einfühlungsvermögen und Kommunikationsstärke, Kreativität, Flexibilität und Trendbewusstsein sowie ein Gefühl für Sprache und Visualisierung. Dann kommst du schnell voran.

Was lernt man bei einem Praktikum im Bereich Marketing?

  • Zielgruppenanalyse sowie die Entwicklung von Konzepten und Strategien
  • Suchmaschinenoptimierung, Anzeigenmarketing und Content Marketing
  • Projektmanagement
  • Employer Branding Maßnahmen
  • Erstellen von Werbemitteln

Wie gut werden Praktika im Bereich Marketing bezahlt?

Spanne Gehalt
von 450 €
Ø 692 €
bis 935 €


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